Resident Awards and Recognition
Our residents have won provincial and national awards for their impactful and novel research conducted as residents. Well done residents. We are very proud of you!
- Kate Boutin won the 2015-2016 BC CSHP Pharmacy Practice Residency Award for her project Development of Intervention-Related Quality Indicators for Renal Clinical Pharmacists Using a Modified Delphi Approach.
- Emma Attfield won the 2015-2016 BC CSHP Pharmacy Practice Residency Award for her project Improving ICU Clinical Pharmacist Handover Process Using a Pharmacotherapy-Specific Tool: The Handover Process in Pharmacy (HAPPY) Study.
- Shaylee Peterson won the 2014-2015 BC Pharmacy Practice Residency Award for her project Optimal Time to Educate Cardiac Surgery Patients about Medications: A Pilot Study.
- Manish Khullar won the 2013-2014 BC CSHP Pharmacy Practice Residency Award for his project Contribution of Hospital Pharmacy Residents to Resolution of Drug Therapy Problems for Patients: RES-DRP Study.
- Sukhjinder Sidhu won the CSHP 2015 Hospital Residency Project Award for her project Assessment of the Effect of Behavioural Change Strategies on Knowledge Translation and Pharmacist Interventions for Antimicrobial Stewardship: PIAS-KT Study.