Project Presentations
Residents will formally present their projects at three different events throughout the residency year. Project teams are encouraged to disseminate and present their results at other venues, as appropriate.
1. Residency Project Introduction Presentation
Each resident is required to present an "Introduction to My Residency Project". This presentation will be scheduled during a Pharmacy Live Rounds session in Ocotber or November. Check-out your one45 schedule for the date and time of the presentation. At least one project team member will be required to attend the presentation. The purpose of the presentation is to give residents the opportunity to introduce their projects to pharmacy staff and also to receive some feedback on their project. Residents will present this presentation from their rotation site and the presentation will be broadcast to all pharmacists/sites in Interior Health.
Presentation Outline:
The purpose of the presentation is to give the pharmacy staff members an opportunity to learn more about your residency project. Your presentation should be organized into the following sections (you will notice that these sections are also part of your protocol):
- Brief background information on the disease state, or practice area, and the purpose of the study (i.e. why is this study important)
- Primary and Secondary Objectives
- Overview of the proposed methodology
- Proposed timeline for the project
- Current status of the project (eg. what have you done so far?)
Presentation Length:
Your presentation should be a MAXIMUM of 6 minutes in length, after which there will be 5 minutes for questions. Please ensure you are adhering to this so that we have time for all of the presentations.
2. Residency Project Poster and Final Project Presentation
Residents will complete a project poster of their research project. Residents will present their projects at two events. Project posters will also be posted on our residency website for further viewing after the events.
BC Resident Research Night: May 22, 2025 in Vancouver
This in-person event will take place at Science World in Vancouver and will consist of poster judging and poster presentations This event will be open to all BC Health Authority pharmacy staff and will take place in-person in Vancouver. Residents will attend the event in-person.
- Poster Judging
- Residents will be given a 15 minute timeslot and will present their poster to a judge, concurrently with poster viewing by audience members.
- Judges will consist of health authority pharmacist researchers.
- Poster Viewing
- Poster viewing and refreshments
Poster Presentation to Interior Health Pharmacy Department: June TBA, Pharmacy Live Rounds
- Residents will present their poster to the pharmacy department during Live Rounds on June TBA. This event will be a virtual event conducted via Teams.
- Each resident will be given 5 minutes to present their project poster
- Residents will display a PDF of their project poster on the screen and will provide the audience with a 5 minute overview of their project by referring to different parts of their poster as a reference.
- Residents will then answer questions from the audience and facilitate discussion about their poster for 5 minutes.
Deadlines and Logistics for Project Poster and Project Presentation
Project Poster
- Project Poster in PDF format is due to the Program Coordinator on May TBA and BC Residency Program via OneDrive (further instructions to follow) on May TBA.
- Program Coordinator will organize project poster printing.
- Project posters will be reviewed by the judges in advance of the poster judging.
Required Poster Template
Residents are required to use this poster template for their residency project poster.
- The dimensions of the poster are 36 inches high and 48 inches long. Do not change the dimensions of the poster.
- Do not change the colour scheme or font style.
- You can change the number/order of text boxes, tables and figures to complement the information you want to present on your poster.
- It is suggested that you keep all tables and graphs as simple as possible, use as few horizontal lines on graphs as possible and use a white background for tables and graphs, because this looks better on a big poster.
- Avoid 3-D graphics
- Check-out the project posters located under Project as examples.
Project Poster Presentation Practice Session (May TBA)
- The Program Coordinator will host a project poster presentation practice session on May TBA. Each resident will present their 5 minute project poster presentation and will receive feedback from the Program Coordinator, Program Director, Research Director and project preceptors and fellow residents.
- Project preceptors are encouraged to attend.
Residents are expected to adhere to these guidelines and requirements when composing their project manuscript:
Project Manuscipt Guidelines and Requirements
-Last updated February 28, 2025