Academic Half Day Program
Program Description
CPRB; 3.5.2; 3.5.3
Our residents will participate in an Academic Half Day (AHD) Program. The AHD program will provide a collegial and supportive environment to discuss therapeutic, pharmacy practice and pharmacy education topics and will also provide residents with the opportunity to further develop their clinical, research, precepting and teaching skills. This program will build upon the knowledge and skills gained during the residents’ experiential rotations, as well as introduce the residents to new concepts and skills that can be applied during their experiential rotations, as well as in practice.
The AHD sessions will use a variety of instructional methods, including case-based discussions and didactic teaching and will be facilitated by Interior Health pharmacists. The sessions will be 1.5-3 hours in length, depending on the topic. Each resident will also be responsible for developing and facilitating one AHD session. During the resident-led sessions, the resident facilitator will teach a group consisting of the other residents, using a case-based approach. A pharmacist facilitator mentor will provide guidance and mentorship to the resident during this process.
The AHD session content will include therapeutic and clinical skills topics that are encountered in multiple clinical practice areas or are not expected to be taught elsewhere in the residency program. In addition, the topics will include impactful disease states or clinical skills that are encountered on elective experiential rotations, which not all residents may be completing.
Program Goals
- To further develop the resident’s therapeutic knowledge and clinical, research and precepting skills through discussion and participation in case-based and didactic sessions and through mentorship by experienced pharmacist facilitators
- To further develop the resident’s critical thinking and problem solving skills
- To provide the resident with opportunities to further develop their leadership, communication, facilitation and teaching skills
Session Time and Location
The AHD session schedule, including session dates, times and locations, as well as pre-session and session objectives and pre-readings, will be posted in one45 in the Academic Sessions tab under schedules. This schedule will always be the most current schedule.
Session Day and Time: Tuesday, from 13:00-16:00 or on other dates/times as stated
Session Location: Classroom at Kelowna General Hospital and Royal Inland Hospital
**Residents who are at another Interior Health hospital for a rotation at the time of the AHD session will attend the session via videoconference. The videoconference information will be provided prior to the session in My Calendar section in one45**
Instructional Methods and Session Format
A variety of instructional methods will be used, depending on the nature of the topic discussed, including case-based, didactic, observational and hands-on methods. Therapeutic topics will be taught using a case-based format. The residents are expected to be actively involved in their own learning during the sessions.
Expectations of the Resident
- Attendance at the sessions is mandatory.
- The sessions will start on time and no accommodation will be made for residents arriving late. Residents are expected to be on-time for the sessions. This requires planning to ensure that you can make it to the session on time.
- Residents are expected to notify their rotation preceptor 3 weeks prior to the rotation of any AHD sessions that occur during their rotation and should plan ahead to ensure that they can arrive to the session on time.
- Residents will review the pre-session objectives prior to attending the session.
- Residents will complete all assigned pre-readings prior to attending the session.
- Residents will actively participate in discussions during the sessions.
- Residents will reflect on their learning by completing the Academic Half Day Resident Self-Reflection. This will be sent to the resident via one45 after the session.
- The residents will evaluate each session and the session facilitator using an evaluation in one45
- The pharmacist facilitator mentor and resident audience members will evaluate the resident facilitator for the resident-led discussions using an evaluation in one45
Role of the Program Coordinator
- The Program Coordinator will be responsible for the overall coordination of the Academic Half Day Program, including determining session topics, confirming session facilitators and scheduling the sessions.
- The Program Coordinator will provide guidance and mentorship to pharmacist facilitators seeking advice and guidance on how to best deliver and teach their session and will work closely with the pharmacist facilitators to ensure that they have to tools and support necessary to conduct their sessions.
- Facilitators are encouraged to contact the Program Coordinator at any time to discuss their Academic Half Day session.
-Last updated May 28, 2024