Resident Personal Rotation Objectives
IH Program Policies
- Prior to the start of each rotation, the resident will document their personal rotation objectives in the Resident Personal Rotation Objectives Log in one45. This is to be completed for each rotation in the program, with exception of the Program Orientation and Evidence Based Practice rotations.
- The resident will submit these personal rotation objectives to their rotation preceptor via one45 in advance of the first day of the rotation.
- The preceptor will review the resident's personal rotation objectives in one45 and will discuss them with the resident on the first day of the resident's rotation.
- The preceptor and resident will seek opportunities for the resident to achieve these objectives during the rotation.
- In creating personal rotation objectives, the resident should reflect on progress and experiences to date in the Program, the rotation-specific objectives found in the rotation summary and areas of focus for knowledge and skill development.
- The resident should include both knowledge and skill development objectives as part of their personal objectives.
The Importance of Self-Reflection
Reflection is an important component of learning and is also important in the development of professionals, including pharmacists. Reflection can help us realize what we have learned and how far we have come. It also gives us a better idea of the areas we may need to work on. Reflection allows us to set goals for ourselves. By reflecting on what we have learned and what we have accomplished, we can better understand what we still aspire to.
Resident Process for Documenting Personal Rotation in the Resident Personal Rotation Objectives Log
To submit your personal rotation objectives:
- Log into your account in one45. Click Pt/Procedure log in the task menu.
- Scroll down to Resident Personal Rotation Objectives Log.
- Click Create new log entry.
- Select the date of the log entry.
- Select the rotation.
- Select the rotation preceptor.
- List your personal rotation objectives.
- Consider saving a PDF of this log (top of page) to bring with you to discuss with your preceptor.
- Submit your objectives. These will be sent to your preceptor's one45 account for review.
To view your submitted rotation objectives:
- Click the Expectations Summaries tab.
- Click Generate Summary Report
- Click the Resident Personal Rotation Objectives tab.
- You will see a list of all residency rotations. Your objectives will show in the total recorded column. To view the objectives, click view entry.
Preceptor Process for Reviewing Resident Personal Rotation Objectives
- Log into your one45 account.
- Click on the resident's name in your To Do screen under Logs.
- The relevant log is the one that says Resident Personal Rotation Objectives.
- Click on the resident's name to review their personal rotation objectives.
- Consider PDFing (top of page) to save or print for discussion with the resident.
- Acknowledge that you have reviewed these objectives.
- Click submit.
- These objectives will be stored in the resident's account.
Last updated June 10, 2024